Living in the Rocky Mountains

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I can't get over how beautiful Moab is. Of course I probably won't ever see it from these angles in person, since I am not as crazy as my husband in the biking department. I love to Bike in the Mountains (paved trails, crushed gravel:). But Jason's biking takes things to a whole new level. The rides that are sheer uphill for miles, climbing over rocks, roots, with a feeling of wanting to puke from the exersion, is his kind of ride. He has really gotten into the racing side too. My favorite :( is the 50 mile mountain bike race in Keystone. All I can say is crazy.

Here are some shots from his yearly Moab trip with his friends. Now I normally don't have a problem with his trips, but this time Piper decided to get sick for the first time and puked non-stop for 5 days. This I have to say was a first for me. I guess everyone has to have puke all over their house at least one time, now hopefully the last.

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